Monday, August 10, 2009

When you see results, that's when you are at your proudest

I have been working out for about 3 months now. I started sometime in June and now, in August, after hours of sweat and agony and muscle pulls, I am getting results.

My thighs are firmer, my biceps and triceps, harder, and my energy level is better than ever. I can brisk walk for about 7 KMs now in about 1 hour, which is amazing. Although I am having difficulties trying to jog because my feet could not take the impact.

And what's amazing is that I can even see results on my abs. I am so happy... and I am so proud of myself. :)

See, there's no slimming product or services that could work better than working out. I think I would rather spend 2 grand on a trainer and 100+ a month on gym than eating all those slimming products.

I just finished a one and a half hour session of pure body weight and resistance training. I feel better than ever.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Drama in my head

Hmmm... I am hungry... and it is lunch time.

Banana Chocolate pie... it's frikkin' banana chocolate pie...

Oh... the joy of tasting the beautiful chocolatey taste of the pie... Just a slice... no... a bite would spring me up to never neverland.

It does have thousands of calories that would cost me my whole week of workout.

oh... but it IS banana chocolate pie... it will go so well with my fabulous low fat Cappucchino I ordered.

I know counting calories is no way to live, but unless I want to look like Roseanne Barr by the time I hit 40, it is something that I can't really compromise on.

So... not wanting to look like Roseanne Barr trumps that gorgeous, delicious, SINful Banana Chocolate Pie!!!!!