Friday, December 31, 2010

Several hours before 2011... I Feel like...


But... I don't know what to eat...

Right about now... a plate of pasta would be......... Nais...

BUT... I am lazy to cook.


Owh bloody hell... I don't know what to eat...

Wedges!!! But... buttttt... have to draive!!!!!


I will come up with a seconds after New year post tonight... while at work... with my friends and colleagues...

Until then...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Squat and Lunges

Two more moves that can be done, with great care, while one is pregnant are:

  • Squat
  • Lunges

(Honestly, I hate them. But they really do work wonders… But that does not mean I have to love them. I still hate them. I complain every time Mr. Trainer asked me to do it. The more he knows I hate them, the more he ask me to do them.)

Why do I say “WITH GREAT CARE”? Because, as you grow into your pregnancy, your balance and equilibrium are challenged. If you were not exercising frequently before, and do movement that increase your ability to balance and increase your muscle strength, you will wobble when you perform these two movement.

I am happy to say that my balance is still good at 34 weeks of pregnancy. I can stand on one feet, and I can still do the yoga tree pose! Yeay for me!


To help with balance, while doing squat, you could hold on to the back of a chair, or if you are really a beginner, support your back by standing against the wall. Make sure you have chairs on your right and left side to hold on to, just in case.


When doing squat make sure your knees are bent at 90 degrees angle. Do not let your knee to move further from your toes. Go as low as you can. As much as you can, keep your back straight, that’s why having a wall behind you is easier. Otherwise, let your body bend forward only slightly. I find putting my arms at 45 degrees angle helps to better position my torso as well as balancing. You might want to try that. For extra resistance, hold on to a pair of light dumb-bells.

Lunges is more of a challenge as you get heavier. Use support if you are not sure of your balancing ability. Seriously. Use it.


Although this movement looks simpler than squat, trust me it’s not. Again, be careful not to over-extend your front knee. Make sure it is at 90 degrees angle. If you cannot bend as low, it’s okay, just go to the maximum you can. As you progress, you will in time, improve. 

So, these are some of the moves that I do to keep my legs strong, and hopefully to ensure my thighs do not enlarge more than they need to! I have big task in front of me once I finished my confinement next year. My target is to lose all my pregnancy weight within three months and go back to my pre-wedding weight (between 55kg – 58kg) in three months after that.

I know I have to be patient. It takes me 9 months to complete the full pregnancy weight gain, so it’ll take me as much to lose them. But I can speed it up with good diet and consistent exercise. I must.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Recently, my co-author YM'd me a and we were OMG-ing on Kelly Osbourne.

She is the cover girl on January's Shape Magazine and she looked AWESOME.

I mean, look :

Unlike her mother, Sharon Osbourne who had to undergo a gastric bypass, she chose to exercise and to eat right. You don't have any idea how much that has inspired me.

Seriously, to see another fellow female to achieve such drastic change, feels good because in turn, it can give me more inspiration for me to follow suit.

This is my progress as of now. I have been slacking a lot, due to my hectic job schedule and all, but compared to back then (I do not take any photos in a bikini or gym bra when I was fat), this is a HUGE change for me.

Of course, I still have fat on my tum tum, ass, hips and the irritating sag under my arms... but I am hoping I will be able to zap it all off in time.

My co - author thinks that I have done enough. I think I just need to re-educate myself.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Do Your Kegel!

I have been absent for a long, long time. My co-author feels it is such a waste that we have the blog here and I’m not updating it. True, I must say. But in my defense, more of an excuse actually, my current condition makes me “lazy” to update this blog. Just because I no longer visit the gym.

You see, I am now into my 32nd week of pregnancy. And I have not been to the gym eversince my trainer kicked me out when I went to see him, with gym bag on my shoulder, and told him I have a bun in the oven. :-p

Anyway, for this post, I’d like to share with you one exercise that any women can do, even when she’s pregnant. Yup, you know it! The Kegel Exercise.


Kegel is something that you can do anytime, anywhere. No one will know it but you. What you do is actually do a muscle contraction as if you’re stopping your urine flow. If you have not done this exercise before, it’s best to practice while you’re doing your business… Seriously. MayoClinic explains in detail including how to recognise which muscle to activate. But easier method is to practice while you’re in the loo.

Anyway these are amongst the benefit of doing Kegel:

  • Strengthen your pelvic floor muscle which supports the uterus, bladder and bowel
  • Said to enhance experience in the sack (he he he)

So, you can see why this exercise is beneficial for pregnant women too! This matter was stressed by the nurse in the antenatal class that I attended.