Saturday, August 17, 2013

Detox and other things

I am currently on a 12 days liquid detox program, which I will follow with a strict lacto - vegetarian diet for another 12 days.

My off day would be on Sundays, when I will become a flexitarian. Meaning, I will eat everything, but will largely still be vegetarian.

The result of the liquid detox as of today (1 more day to go before Sunday!) had been astounding.

Although to be honest, I am a bit bored of the mainly fruity sweet menu that I have been taking for the past week.

I have lost almost 4 kilos so far and still losing. One of the things that I have read about a liquid detox is that, while the weight shed off effortlessly, the gain will also be 'effortless'.

To prevent this from happening, I will be on a lacto vegetarian diet for 6 days of the week, taking care not to consume too much complex carbohydrates and also starch in my daily diet.

My purpose in the detox program is mainly to flush all the toxins from my body after a week of Raya food binging. I was beginning to feel bloated and increasingly sluggish.

Thankfully, I am actually functioning better since I started the detox. I kept on with my practice as usual and I feel better.

Do I recommend everyone to try? Yes. But is liquid detox for everyone? No, not exactly. However, there are a few detox regiment available. Research is a must of course to make sure that the detox does not backfire.

Please keep in mind that this is a detox, and it is not exactly a diet. Keep this up in the long term, then it might cause more harm than good. We will still need solid food in our system, vegetarian or not.

Stay strong, healthy and excellent everyone!

With Love, Namaste.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

From September onwards


This happened.

If you practiced hard enough, 7 days a week... you might just be able to do things that you never thought possible. 

What's more awesome than zoning out on the mat? The fact that after this, I may be able to do a full Hanumanasana. 

With Love, Namaste. 
