Friday, April 29, 2011

Workout Journal(04/28/11)

Woke up late. Raining. Tight muscles.

So I didn't work out today.

Diet :

Chicken kebab with grilled vegetables and water

Whole wheat crackers.

Need to wake up at 11 am from now. @_@

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Workout Journal 04/27/11

I am proud of myself today.

I have succeeded in perfecting the exercise moves for yesterday's workout.

I know that I am supposed to be doing the Hot Mess work out from Zuzana's BodyRock website, but I didn't want to move on to another workout without getting this one right first.

So this is my record for today :

Side lunge, 3x push up plus 5x skip lunge - 10x 3 reps

Surfer - 5x 3 reps (Very excited!)

Backward lunge with dumbbells and kick up - 10x 3 reps

The workout targets my thighs and bum plus being that it's a whole body exercise, it's a good cardio workout as well.

I was sweating and I loved it.

I will be focusing on this workout for the whole of this week, before I move on to my second attempt at Hot Mess workout.

Diet wise, pre workout meal was weetameal crackers with Soy while I finished a whole plate of grilled chicken salad at Delicious.

I really can get used to this whole pushing my body to unknown limits thing.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

If You Really Want More...

So, this year, I met a man that for now, is my weekend partner.

We don't usually meet during the weekdays.
The man that I am with, LOVES his food. He is this white guy who enjoys his curries and rice. It doesn't matter to him because :
a) He is a guy
b) He is not fat. He does not have his own bum country.
For me though, it's a tough challenge. With him, it's all about indulging. I have to constantly do a BOLO for something that is healthier and carries lower calories.

The last time we went to a Mamak, I opted for a plain thosai, while he ordered two pieces of paratha, with mutton curry.

He feeds me his food, which is sweet and all but not when the person who is being fed happened to be on a strict diet.

Anyway, I got some exercise during the weekend from grocery shopping and also from walking in water at the pool. It's harder than it looks, actually.

On Tuesday, I got into my gym gear and went straight to Fitness First.

After 5 minutes of 8.0 KM/h jog on the treadmill, I walked up to the free exercise spot and did this work out.

It was an awesome feeling to finally be able to get some of the moves right. I am still slow on the surfer workout, but hoping that I will get better at it.

This work out is not so bad. I didn't have an interval timer so I did each in 10x 3 reps each.

That alone is enough to leave you sweating like a pig!

Tomorrow... Hot Mess work out, will blog more about my progress! ;)

Monday, April 25, 2011

I want my abs back!

This is my third week back at work. And the only exercises I’ve been doing since are Kegels and pulling my belly button inwards.

Good news is, I went to see Mr. Trainer last week and he said I can continue my 1:1 sessions with him from last year. Yeay! And being the trainer that I knew, he will not say that I did a good job losing my pregnancy weight! Ha ha ha ha… But that’s okay. It’s his job to make sure people like me feels that there are more things to do.

Anyway, yes, I manage to loose almost all my pregnancy weight. Last weight I recorded was about a month ago at 62kg. That is almost to my pre-pregnancy weight which was 61kg. However, I still have far to go, as I plan to go back to my pre-wedding weight which was at 58kg. And I know I can do it, provided I start to get moving.

Being absent for almost a year from the gym, it’s a challenge to restart. However, I have come out with a plan. For this next few weeks, I will concentrate on rebuilding my core again. And I’ve found a good link as a start:

Going up and down the stairs several times a day at home also has help me rebuild my muscle around the buttocks and thigh area. I do my best to remind my self to tuck my tummy in every time I go up the stairs. I still forget most of the time.

One thing for sure, taking care of a baby really burns fat! I’m sweating when I’m bathing her, I’m sweating when I dress her and I even sweat when I’m putting her to bed! Bathing the baby, I have to support her weight on my arms. Dressing the baby, I’m sitting crossed leg or half-squatting. Sometimes I’m getting up and sitting down and getting up again, because I forgot to take things from her cloth drawer. Putting the baby to bed, I’m walking the room to get her to settle down and sleep. At times, I do side squats to imitate swinging move, with some benefits for me. And by the time she sleeps, I’m beat. I could hardly summon enough energy to do my nightly beauty routine!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Workout Journal (04/20/11 & 04/21/11)

I decided to take it slow yesterday.

So I did Yoga at home. By the end of the 60 minutes, I was sweating.

10 Surya Namaskars (warrior variations) and a few seated positions later, I was a flood of salty sweat.

I feel energized and powered up. And I was craving for tuna in sunflower oil.

And roasted chicken.

So my meal for yesterday was :

Meal #1
Weetameal crackers and low fat milk

Meal #2
Roasted chicken (Breast)

Guava juice


Black tea and crackers



Today I had to come in for work at 2.30 pm. Not having enough sleep is disastrous for me so I decided to sleep and woke up at 1.30 pm.

That said, I did not do any exercise.

Meal #1 :

Egg tart


Yes.. I am ashamed... =_=...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Workout Journal 04/15-04/18 & 04/19


Obviously because I have some other agendas going on (My weekend schedule changed drastically because of The Scotsman), I was not working out during the weekends.

But it was replaced with the amount of walking we did to and fro to Pavilion for food and night walks at the Bukit Bintang/Sg. Wang area.

The Scotsman is one to indulge in good simple stuff, especially where food is concerned.

It's enough that he makes mean Tomato sandwiches, he also makes GOOD fried bread. That was a major calory and cholesterol laden meal.

Fried Bread had a health hazard warning from the government of Britain in the 70's. And so I am not being paranoid.

But, I want to see The Scotsman happy. He is happy when I eat his cooking, so I smiled and ate the whole damn thing. I keep my guilt to myself of course.

Plus on Sunday, we hung out by the pool and got a tan and he had a swim while I floated at the sidelines (I can't swim... shameless eh?)

I only started my workout today and this is my routine :

Warm up
5 minutes brisk walk and 10 minutes jog.

Side lunge and push up combo - 10X2

Surfer - 10X2

Back lunge and weights plus kick up - 10 X2

Cool down

Yoga :

Surya Namaskar

Pigeon pose

Infant pose

Plough pose


Post work out meal :

Toast and Soy

Mid day meal :

Tomyam Vermicelli





Thursday, April 14, 2011

Workout Journal (04/14/11)

Alas, I am still not working out.

I am pissed off at myself for not able to do this. Today is a perfectly good day for exercise and yet, I am not able to do so.

The pain has subsided a bit. I am hoping that I am going to be healed, completely by tomorrow (Staying optimisitic, crossing all things that I can cross.)

Because I have to be in the office earlier today, I was not able to prepare my first meal today. I am thinking of going out to have some food later. I just need to take care of some stuff at work first before I can do so.

I am thinking of having a warm salad over at Delicious. Balsamic vinaigrette dressing and loads of greens and nice medium well beef filets. Yumm... and of course, water to go with that.

Plus, I am perfectly aware that I would need to go to the grocer to get some supplies for the kitchen. Greens, lean protein and fruits.

I am looking forward to my workouts next week. ;)

Injured - Workout Journal 04/13/11

As luck would have it, I sustained muscle injury after that fateful Monday's workout.

I didn't really know what went wrong, to be perfectly honest. I warmed up, and I cooled down.

And I do my stretches, so I don't know what is the deal.

I dread going up the stairs or even getting up from my seat. I feel Bleagh because I am not able to work out.

The mistake that I did was to go to the gym on Tuesday, because muscle soreness after workouts are actually normal, but not this one.

The pain is concentrated on a few areas, the one that I highlighted in red  :

The Scotsman told me to take it easy, to not move too much.

And I am like, right, me not ...move much?

And that he will take care of me during the weekends... (LOL LOL LOL)

The pain I can take, not working out, that I cannot take. -_-

So, reluctantly, I have to sit out from the gym today.

My food for today was :

Cajun Chicken Sandwich with Mango Juice

I can't resist from having a grande soy latte though. @_@

and two low cal chewies after 8 pm. I forgot to bring my raisins and nuts.

Drink of choice - Water of course.

Of course I am not going to mention the inch of pizza I took when I was at home with Joyce... =_=

Wish me a speedy recovery!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Workout Journal (04/12/11)

Today, I have to take it easy.

My hamstring was in pain due to yesterday's workout. Even going up the stairs was a chore. My ankle was not making things better too. I had accidentally twisted my ankle 4 years ago, and it wasn't treated properly.

As a result of that, I can't over exaggerate my lower body exercise.

So today, my anke was wobbly.

I decided to concentrate on upper body instead.

The gym was unusually full today, until I looked at the clock and realized that I came in late. The after 5 crowd was coming in and looking for a spot of my own was a challenge.

So this was what I did today :

10 minutes on Rowing machine

30 bicep curl with 7 lbs dumbbells

30 tricep curl with 7  lbs  dumbbells

30 reverse bicep curl with  lbs dumb bells

30 secs bridging (Front)

30 secs bridging (Side, left and right)

Yoga :

4 salutation to the sun (Surya Namaskar) (with warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I)variation)
Tree pose (Vrksasana)

Pigeon pose (Kapotasana)
Plank (Arda Chaturanga (I Think))

The truth is, I can hardly remember the sanskrit version of the many poses. I would describe these positions as loosely as I can; like; the pose that requires me to literally bend backwards, elongating my spine in doing so... what's it called.. I don't know.

Thank God for Google... Hahahaha....

And then I also attempted a little arm balancing, the easiest, which is the Scale pose.

My wrist needs a little more work.

Food wise, I am trying to eat 5 times a day. Because my time clock is the total opposite, I woke up, prepare breakfast, which is also my pre workout meal at 3.30 pm in the afternoon.

For today, I have decided to cook egg white omelette with 1 egg yolk served with stir fry tuna flakes + 2 slices of bread.

Had snacks in between of cashews, raisins and grape and decided to go for Mihun Sup (Vermicelli Soup) for dinner +Post work out meal.

So far, the diet and workout plans are in motion. Can't wait to get right back on intensive core training again! :D

Monday, April 11, 2011

Workout Journal

Jade introduced me to an awesome home workout website a few months ago.

I have it linked to this site as well as my own blog ;

The awesome thing about the site is that it packs everything on one single website. The workouts were explained and easier options were given to beginners.

I am not a beginner. I have been working out since earlier last year and so, I go for the standard full workout.

I can say this... it made me want to cry.

However, it did make me sweat and I like that part.

So today I did the Hot Mess work out consisting of :

Part 1 :

10 get ups

Part 2

20 backward lunge with weights

Part 3

20 weight squat

Part 4

10 burpees

The workout was supposed to be a build up from part 1 - part 4.

That means by Part 2, you are supposed to be doing part 1 + 20 backward lunge all over again.

It's my first attempt so I decided to do it a little differently so that it won't give my body a shock. I will build up the intensity over the next few weeks.

I have recently gain a bit of weight as I haven't had the time to work out that much.

My previous weight had been lingering between 58 - 59 kilos. I was in the middle of straightening out some stuff at work and by the time I was done with work at 7 am, I would normally feel so tired that I wouldn't have the strenght to go to the gym.

So when I found out that I am a staggering 64 kilos now (That's a whopping 6 Kilos add on), I was shocked!

The fact that I can (well, I don't really have a choice, actually) to fit in an S/size 8/Size 10 dresses, tops and pants are I guess, no indication to my ballooning weight!


I refuse to be the fat person that I was.

So, I started my workout with a 15 minutes jog on the treadmill before going off to the training area. The first round was ok, but by the second round ( and I am kind of embarrased by this.) I was already swearing and huffing.

But I went on with it. I was sweating, I was breathless and my knees almost gave way.

I brought along with me my workout plan for this week for me to note down my progress. It may look like nothing now, but this piece of paper is going to help me a lot in my weight loss plan.

Aside from that, I also thought that the other reason why I gained weight was because I seemed to crave for all kinds of traditional dishes for the past couple of months. Things like curry, fried rice and all kinds of fattening stuff.

So it is time, I must say, it saddens me to even type this, STOP all this and get back on the healthy eating wagon.

So for today, my pre work out meal was plain pasta as I need the energy for me to do the jumps and stuff, my snack in between was Jacob's weetameal crackers and green tea, I had water during my workout and my post workout meal was O'Brian's Chilli chicken wrappo and guava juice.

I also brought a tub of raisins in case I get a case of sweet tooth at work, cashew nuts which packs a huge amount of energy, Quaker's low cal chewie bars and a ready to eat salad for my 4th or 5th meal of the day.

My drink of choice for the next few months would be H2O.

I have planned out my weight loss carefully. I have never been a believer of fast weight loss. I believe it takes time for the body to adapt to the new weight.

So by April 30th, I target to lose 3 kilos to 61 kilos and then another 3 kilos by end of May.

My weight should go back to 58 kilos by then, hopefully.

It is not something impossible as I have lost more than 5 kilos in 4 weeks before. All I need to do is to take care of my meals and put in more intensity into my workout.

And to not slack off.

Wish me luck!