Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Of the 'desire' to lose weight...

Once in a while, my friends would complain to me about their ballooning weight.

They told me about their fear of turning to Roseanne Barr or John Goodman.

They will also tell me about their diets. The meal skipping, the 'eat nothing but a god damn apple' for the whole day and wallop a big plate of pasta for dinner (Before 8 pm nevertheless), the boxes of diet supplements they take to make sure that their ass do not form their own country.

And everytime they told me of these 'attempts', I would smile and say :

"It will not work. You might lose the weight, but you will never be able to sustain the loss... unless you exercise."

I am a big believer of exercise. I did lose 12 KGs after busting my ass in the gym for the last year afterall.

I was 68 kg when I first started. Now I am a healthy 56 KG. I have been at this weight for the last 4 months. I intend to lose 2 more KGs. My ideal weight is at 52 KG.

Of course, it took a lot of effort. I don't eat rice everyday, substituting it with Durum wheat pastas, oats and vegies. I don't eat fast food often (Actually, I try to stop eating it altogether.) and only cook my meals with Olive oils.

I work out in the gym 5 days a week and now I am trying to get back to the normal 6 days a week routine. Instead of focusing on weight loss, I am now concentrating more on muscle sculpting and toning and also core strength training.

I buy all kinds of fitness magazines, mainly for all the exercise moves they have in it and the healthy living tips articles.

I know this is cliched but it does feel good to be healthy. Of course, I have my problems.

I still have difficulties getting 8 hours of sleep everynight (or day, considering my schedule), of eating enough food to fulfill the 2800 cal/day to fuel my workout (I am known as anorexic mainly because sometimes, I really seriously do not know what to eat and therefore would just NOT eat... which is bad.) and I still have difficulties running the extra mile without getting muscle pains and sores.

That said, I seriously do not believe that any other methods could actually work. Exercise and a balanced diet (Not starving yourself, mind you.) is the best option.

I would also tell my friends that if they have the 'desire' to lose weight, they should have the 'determination' to do it 'properly' too.

To stop complaining and be deluded with fad diets and false claims of supplement boxes would do them well too.

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