Thursday, March 3, 2011


I know that I have not been updating this blog as often as I should.

My co author recently welcomed a baby girl, so like any self respecting new parent, she will now be blogging more about her baby and her experiences as a new mother.

As for me, I am still single and still working out trying to maintain my weight, if not constantly trying to get slimmer, more toned and stronger.

I am still trying to figure out how to eat right so that I would get enough strength to keep up to my cardio and weight exercises. I don't eat rice as all the starch is bad for my system. Bear in mind that the reason I lost weight was because I stopped eating rice for the whole 6 months. That and exercise 7 days a week.

No pain no gain. I love the feeling of fitting into a size S dress and to be able to carry off a bikini with confidence.

Looking at co author, I was wondering how I would be handling it if I ever get married and got pregnant. I have a feeling that I will freak out looking at the scales pointing to a frightening 69 kilos which was my weight when I started off. I am now at a healthy weight of 56 kilos and I still think I am fat.

I am bottom heavy so I think all big butt-ed girls would attest that no matter what weight you are at, if your butt can form its' own country, then chances are we would feel fat most of the time.

Which is a far cry to our so called confidence, but what the hell. We are human, which human is completely satisfied with their body?

I hope in the next update, I will be able to be more constructive and encouraging. Trying really hard to.

Live life hard. Salud!

1 comment:

  1. You already fit into size S dahlingggg... That's a great accomplishment already! And yes, I can attest to the fact that my butt is its own country. Am going to post about my confinement here, since, I'm losing weight just buy following the rules and eating allowed food only... ;-)
