Saturday, June 11, 2011

Myths about diets, workout and training

People would usually tell me that I am pushing it a bit too much.

They said that training 6 days in a week is not going to be good for my form, that my diet is not enough for weight loss etc.

What they fail to see is that I have become stronger than they are,and also, I have lost the weight that I want to put off, and that they are still pretty much, heavy.

Now I am not someone who is all positive sun shiny, birds chirping kind, crack driven, jumpy, WE CAN DOOO IT kind of person, but I am not one to discourage people from doing something that is right.

And I would usually say this to the people who thought 'I am pushing it a bit much';

"Yeah. You are still fat. I am not."

Yes.. I can be pretty mean, but only to people who are trying to discourage me.

So *Cracks fingers*... let's put these myths that these muthas had been telling me all these while down shall we?

1) You will have to eat less, and exercise more, then you will be 'kurus' (slim)

Tried. And this is bonkers!

How do you expect to exercise (I would prefer to use the term, train) when you don't eat enough.

Of course, I failed to see this during the initial point of my training and I ended up exhausted half of the time. My performance was bad as well. I would give up at 5 counts of knee push up and that's... embarassing.

So, I decided to eat... and eat. 5 times a day of eats. I loaded on fruits like bananas, wholemeal bread, nuts and lean protein. I up my fibre intake with a side of fresh salad (no dressing for me, except for a squeeze of lemon or lime. Pretty good I might add.) and cut my junk food comsumption (well... not when I have a sudden menstrual related craving for some cocoa).

I am not as extreme as like some people I know and I hate protein shakes (The taste is yuk!). That's why I still have baby (Yeah right) fat.

2) Weight training will give you muscles like Malek Noor / Arnold Schwarzenegger

I would like to ketuk any baluk who come up with this. Unless you take certain body building supplements, this is NOT going to happen. You have to have a high protein diet for that kind of scary form. With a moderate diet, your muscles will form better, your sagging bits will be firmer and you will look and feel stronger. It will also help in your core training and this will result in awesome looking papan cuci (Washboard) abs.

3) Run faster, lift heavier... then you will lose weight

NEVER go over your personal capacity, unless you want to end up with severe sports injury. Overdoing it could have dangerous outcome. If you can only run 3 minutes in a stretch on a 8.0 treadmill speed, then be it. You can add on by a minute every week or every day. It will build up in time.

4) 1 hour workout in bad form compared to an excellent form 12 minutes workout, is NOT better.

What I meant with form here is how these exercises are performed. A lunge is technically not a lunge if it's not done properly and if your glutes are not feeling a damn thing. This also had something to do with the intensity of the exercise. You can lose say, 300 calories in a 2 hours run and I can lose the same in a high intensity 30 mins training.

5) You must feel pain after workout to know if your workout worked

Well, to me, if I feel pain after a work out, that would mean that I did something wrong. It's either I didn't warm up long enough, didn't cool down long enough or that my form was incorrect. Something's gotta give. Plus, the last thing I want is to be in a state of pain that would cause my my daily workout. So NO... you should not feel pain after your workout, a little soreness is always a given, but certainly not pain. You should however, feel rejuvenated, and have that awesome 'Whoah... I did that today.' kind of feeling after your workouts, not the 'Aw crap, I think I will have to pee standing today.' feel.


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