Monday, May 31, 2010

Test run (Literally)

My last run was a charity marathon for an event that I forgot in JB.

This was about 5 years ago. It was a 7 KM run and at that time, I was actually kind of forced to go because the company I worked for sponsored some of the prizes. It also served as a division activity that our Boss enrolled us for.

I didn't care if I get there first or last. I was huffing and puffing, and cursing! All the way! All that mattered to me was to get to the finishing line so I can just STOP running.

Of course back then, fitness was the last thing on my mind. I was preoccupied with a sucky boyfriend and relationship. I was the last thing in my mind, which is kind of pathetic, come to think of it.

So because I am now a brand new person with new priorities which has nothing to do with men, relationships, sex or whatever crap that I was so stupidly obsessed with, I decided to join this :

*Image taken from

This means that I have to prep for the run. I have to up my workout and get ready in 2 months. I have to improve on my cardio and strength training. I want to take it seriously this time, and as much as I think it would be fun having a running mate, I would like to try to at least be less playful.

And no cussing while running! I figure if I can make a 1.5 KM in 10 minutes on the treadmill, it wouldn't be a problem for me to finish a 5 KM run.

Plus... I know it will be a whole load of fun. I asked around in my FB if there's anyone interested to join.

This would also mean I would have to go to Jalan Hang Jebat tomorrow to register. And no... I don't know where that is.

I don't know how many people read this blog... this is the info on the run :

Or go to for more details.

Oh by the way, there are RM 300 worth of stuff in the goodie bag that you stand to get when you sign up. :)... I am sure any woman wouldn't say no to heaps of free stuff!!!! Take it as a motivation to join. Hahahahaha!

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